
Showing posts from October, 2018

Microsoft Word

MICROSOFT WORD MS word is a window based processing software. It helps us to create a attractive documents easily. MS Word allows us to changing in the appearance of the text and the information in a document with a systematic manner. F EATURES OF MS WORD :-  Creating a file Editing a file Undo & Redo Saving a document Inserting of tables Zoom Preview a document Spell Check Mail Merge Word Processor :- The word processor helps us to create a new document, open an existing one, saving s new document, editing the document, previewing a document before printing etc.

Control Panel

CONTROL PANEL Control panel is full of specialized tools that are use to change the windows looks and behavior.Changing the mouse settings, display settings, sound settings are the few examples of control panel. TYPES OF VIEWS CATEGORY VIEW :- This is the default view of the control panel. Here all the settings are categorized into eight groups. For Example :- When we click on appearance we will be able to adjust the themes, background, resolution, screen saver. CLASSIC VIEW :- We can see the classic view of control panel by clicking the link " View By " in the top right section of the control panel window. This link has three option.  (a) Category                                        (b) Large icons                                        (c) Small icons CONTROL PANEL CATEGORIES :- Appearance & Themes Networks & Internet Add or Move Program Sound, Speech & Audio Devices Performance & Maintenance Printer & Other Hardware  Use

Types Of Windows

TYPES OF WINDOWS Desktop Window Application Window Dialog Box Window Warning/Message Window Desktop Window :- A compute screen on which you can see icons, symbols, folders, wallpaper, shortcuts and other programs etc is known as a Desktop Window. Application Window :- In GUI, the window of an application program with title bar, menu bar and a work area is known as a Application Window. Dialog Box Window :- A box that appears on a computer screen asking you to what you want to do next is known as a Dialog Box Window. Warning/Message Window :- A warning message window is a model dialog box, in place message , notifications that alerts the user of a condition that might cause a problem in the future.

Introduction Of Windows and it's Features

INTRODUCTION OF WINDOWS WINDOWS :- Windows is an OS which makes the computer hardware work. It works as an interface between user and the computer hardware. It was developed by Microsoft Corporation, USA, Hence named as MS-Windows. FEATURES :- Easy to use and understand. If one application fails then it doesn't effect the other application. Easy to install & troubleshoot.   

Types Of Interfaces

TYPES OF INTERFACES CUI (Character User Interface) :- CUI is based on text and commands. Disadvantage:- One has to remember the text and commands to work on CUI. For Example: - DOS supports CUI. GUI (Graphical User Interface) :- GUI is based on graphics. There is no need to remember the commands. With the help of mouse and graphics we can make use of GUI. Advantage:- Easy to use and learn. For Example:- Windows supports GUI.

Extended Machine (Computer)

Why we say to computer it is a extended machine ? Answer :- Operating System is also behave like extended machine because it provides :- Sharing of files between multiple user. Provides various languages foe communication. Provides helps in many complex problems. 

Functions Of Operating System

Memory Management Device Management File Management Input/Output Management Processor Management Maintenance Of System Clock & Date Security MEMORY MANAGEMENT :- Keep the track of primary memory. Allocates memory when process makes the request. Deallocates the memory when the process is terminated or no longer needs the memory. DEVICE MANAGEMENT :- OS keeps the track of all the devices like input devices, output devices or secondary devices. Allocates and deallocates the device in efficient manner. OS decides when which process gets the device and for how much time FILE MANAGEMENT :- Keeps the track of all the devices like its location use and status. Os decides which file will get the resources. Allocates and deallocates the resources. INPUT/OUTPUT MANAGEMENT :- OS decides when and whom t gives the instructions entered by the input device. It decides when and whom to gives the instructions entered by the output device. PROCESS M

Operating System (OS)

OPERATING SYSTEM Operating System is an interface between the user and the computer hardware. For Example :- Windows, Linux, Unix, OS/2, iOS etc.